When you are making a card and want to try something new a Technique is perfect! I offer monthly Technique Classes on YouTube that inspires you! My handy Reference PDF’s are easy to follow and fun to use! I have Volume 1 & 2 also available here on my Tutorial Store!
Techniques Included in this Volume 3:
- Techniques Included in this Volume are:
- Watercolor Pencil Blending
- Baby Wipe Ink Pad
- Double Embossed Enamel
- Wax Paper Batik Background
- Embossed Designer Series Paper
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When you are making a card and want to try something new a Technique is perfect! I offer monthly Technique Classes on YouTube that inspires you! My handy Reference PDF’s are easy to follow and fun to use! I have Volume 1 & 2 also available here on my Tutorial Store!
- Techniques Included in this Volume are:
- Watercolor Pencil Blending
- Baby Wipe Ink Pad
- Double Embossed Enamel
- Wax Paper Batik Background
- Embossed Designer Series Paper
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